React Components


1 min read

Components in React are just like functions in JavaScript. Components without E6 are just like components with E6. They can be rendered, composed and extracted.

Types of React Components:

Functional Component / JavaScript Function

In React, a functional components can be written in two ways:

//Regular Function
function FunctionalComponent(props) {
   return <h1>This is an example of a functional component, {}<h1/>


//Arrow Function
const FunctionalComponent= (props) => {
   return <h1>This is an example of a functional component, {}<h1/>

Class Component

class ClassComponent(props) extends React.Component
         return <h1>This is an example of a class component, {}<h1/>

Rendering a component

  • A component should always start with a capital letter or else it would be mistaken for a HTML or DOM tag.
HTML/DOM tags ->  <div/>
Component         -> <Bear/>
User-defined component -> <Bear name="Tenderheart"/>

Composing a component

  • A component can refer to another component.
function Favourite(){
    return <h1>Shelly's favourite bear is <Tenderheart />  </h1>
function Tenderheart() {
  return (

Components can accept arguments and these arguments are known as props (short form of properties).

Extracting a component

  • A LARGE component can be split into smaller components.
